Posts by Asv97

    Thanks for the answer evamvid and for resurfacing this thread. Now that I’ve also completed my (external) Thesis, I will also share my experience.

    I wrote my Master’s Thesis at DLR Stuttgart and STFS acted as the supervising institute from the university side. As expected, DLR advised against making the report public. After a bit of back and forth, I managed to convince them that TUbama is primarily an archiving platform and the report would be only accessible to the examiner. Surprisingly, I did not receive any kind of pushback from either DLR or STFS and I must say that the process went mostly smooth.

    Hope this helps anyone seeking an external Thesis, make sure to quote APB § 23 (8) while explaining the situation to your employer.

    It depends on which master's program you are in. In the programs from 2021, only the report is graded and you only have to pass the defense. The defense is also graded if you are in one of the older ones. If I remember correctly, the weight can be chosen by the institute.

    Thanks for the response. As I joined in 2022 (therefore PO 2021 regulations), does this mean I just have to show up (and do the bare minimum of course ;) ) and it still won't have any implication over my grade, since they would have probably 'determined' my grade already, based on the report? That's quite interesting, do you happen to have any link to the document where this is specified or it's more of a spoken word? Thanks in advance and Regards.

    Ich schreibe gerade eine externe Masterarbeit (Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik) und würde mich freuen, wenn ich helfen kann. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, können Sie mich per PN kontaktieren, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut, also würde ich es vorziehen, auf Englisch zu kommunizieren.

    I have completed two tutorials related to CFD: "Numerical Simulation of Flow Problems" and "CFD in Turbomachinery."

    1. Numerical Simulation of Flow Problems:We had to form teams of 2 people each, it was around ~60 hrs. of effort for each person (includes everything from performing tutorial + report + presentation). Please note that the amount of effort could vary significantly as every team was allowed to come up with a topic of their own. As an example, one team's work seemed equivalent to Bachelors thesis/half of Masters thesis while another team looked as if they only worked for 20 hrs. Attendance was mandatory only for the Introduction session and the presentation. It was possible to access resources and run simulations remotely and it was also possible to get your doubts resolved via Moodle/E-Mail/in-person meetings. For reference, introductory session was at the end of October and Final presentation was in the second week of February i.e., we had more than enough time to complete everything.Our team got a very good grade and the average grade was also nothing to complain about.
    2. CFD in Turbomachinery: Everyone had to do this one independently, I'd estimate around ~40 hrs. of effort (again, including everything). Attendance was mandatory for the introductory session, one session after that and the final session where they asked us basic questions. There was no need of creating a presentation. Again, it was possible to perform majority of the Tutorial remotely and it was possible to get your doubts resolved via Zoom/in-person meetings. The tutorial was held at the end of Winter semester and total processing time was around 3 weeks. I personally did not receive a good grade but since only 1 Tutorial gets considered for grading, I was unbothered (Maybe that's why I didn't focus much on report writing as I kinda already knew this :p ). I'd add 5 hours more if I were to seriously write a report.

    Overall, it should be generally possible to pursue the above two tutorials while working part-time.

    As a non-EU M.Sc Aerospace Engineering student myself and based on my interactions with other non-EU Aerospace Engineering students, it seems that either some are still getting accustomed to the German education system or are not really taking studies (and career) seriously. A similar (although not as drastic as this one) trend is also being observed in other modules. Would have been interesting to see if this cut was further split into Maschinenbau vs Aerospace students but I don’t think such data is available.

    In my opinion, it is more on us students and not the professor/university. Simply put, more effort is required from our side to get up to speed with this system and the department/professors shouldn’t really change the way exams are being evaluated. Not blaming anyone, just sharing my thoughts and observations. Maybe it’s not necessary for everyone to have studies/career as one of the top priorities, if you’ve figured out life, I’m happy for you :)

    Thread-Hijacker hier, ich muss irgendwie 5 CP abdecken. Am liebsten würde ich einen einzelnen 6CP-Kurs belegen, bin aber auch offen für 4+2CP,4+3CP oder 3+3CP, wenn der Aufwand gering ist. Da ich bereits alle für mich interessanten Kurse belegt habe, spielt es keine Rolle, welche Art von Kurs ich nehme. Es ist auch unwichtig, zu welchem Semester der Kurs gehört oder in welchem Monat die Prüfung stattfindet. Bitte schlagt Kurse mit geringem Aufwand und englischer Unterrichtssprache vor. Vielen Dank!

    Thread hijacker here, I need to cover 5 CP somehow. I would prefer to take a single 6CP course, but am also open to 4+2CP,4+3CP or 3+3CP if the effort is minimal. Since I have already taken all the courses I am interested in, it doesn't matter what type of course I take. It also doesn't matter what semester the course belongs to or what month the exam is. Please suggest courses with low effort and English language of instruction. Thank you very much!

    Hi everyone,

    An interesting internship opportunity is being advertised by the company where I'm currently doing my internship at. Suitable for those who are interested (and have prior experience in the form of Projects, Tutoriums etc.) in the domain of CFD.


    If you're interested in the offer and want a referral, or have any other questions, feel free to contact via PM.


    Ich freue mich, meine Erfahrungen bezüglich des Praktikumsgehalts mit Ihnen zu teilen. Zurzeit arbeite ich als CFD-Ingenieur Praktikant für ein großes Software-unternehmen, das seinen Hauptsitz in Frankreich hat und weltweit mehr als 20.000 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.

    Arbeitsstunden: 40h/Woche. Die Arbeitszeiten sind flexibel.

    Standort: Ich arbeite derzeit im Büro in Stuttgart. Aber das Unternehmen bietet die Möglichkeit, remote zu arbeiten.

    Gehalt: Mein Bruttogehalt beträgt ~2100 EUR pro Monat, was nach Abzug von Steuern und Sozialabgaben ein Nettogehalt von ~1520 EUR ergibt.

    As most of you might be already aware, it is quite difficult to either convince the Employer or Professors from most of the institutes to approve the External Thesis opportunity because of the rules set up by the university related to the Blocking notice (Sperrvermerk). In fact, some of you had to decline an interesting opportunity just because the Professor, the University and the Employer could not come to an agreement regarding what all can be included in the final report.

    Therefore, I wanted to create a thread where people who have successfully completed(or currently doing) an External Thesis could share the Employer Name along with the Department Name (who supervised their Thesis) so as to help others make an informed decision while applying for External Thesis. It would also be nice if people share the experiences where they received an offer from the Employer but couldn't accept it because of Professors not willing to supervise/issues related to Sperrrvermerk.

    Hello, in my eyes an internship that you can get credits for can only be compulsory. There are specifications to meet so it cannot be voluntary. Else you should do a real voluntary internship and then afterwards go to the supervisor and ask him if he can sign the paperwork and hope for approval.

    I’m starting with my internship as well from SoSe ‘23 and it’s a voluntary one. The manager however has mentioned that if the university requires any kind of certification/ proof of internship, they are willing to provide one. In fact, I had also asked the HR if they require any Bescheinigung, they mentioned that they do not require it. They also highlighted that they used to offer Pflichtpraktikum earlier but nowadays they mostly offer voluntary internships and it is anyways better than a Pflichtpraktikum because one receives more pay despite paying the social security contributions.

    The university anyways requires an internship certificate, a filled form which proves I have completed 8/14 competencies and a self- reflection (in the form of essay/ video). The kind of internship i.e Freiwilliges or Pflichtpraktikum doesn’t really matter as long as you submit these 3 things

    It’s a fairly large company with ~20k employees worldwide

    Was the company asking for the Bescheinigung? You shouldn’t have submitted it in the first place; unless it was explicitly asked for. Now you’ll probably be paid less than minimum wage for the first 3 months of the internship just because the company now recognises it as a Pflichtpraktikum.

    The Bescheinigung which university provides states that an Internship can be considered as a part of studies but nowhere it mentions that it is a necessity. As you have already mentioned before, it is not a compulsory part of studies as it can be replaced with an ADP/ARP.

    Not submitting the Bescheinigung unless the company was asking for it would have helped more in my opinion.

    Hallo zusammen,

    wir suchen momentan noch mindestens eine bis maximal vier weitere Personen für ein ADP am FDY zum Thema Strömungssimulation.

    Die Ausschreibung ist aus dem SoSe22, aber trotzdem noch aktuell

    Wir möchten so schnell wie möglich beginnen und würden das Projekt in Teilzeit bearbeiten.

    Meldet euch bei Interesse gerne per PN.

    Hey, Akshay here and I’ve DM’ed you. Looking forward to your reply. Regards.