Posts by Mla FIND
Ich suche für das Sommersemester 24 noch engagierte Gruppenmitglieder für ein ADP.
Ich hatte an etwas beim PTW gedacht, bin aber auch offen für ADP's an anderen Fachgebieten.
Bei Interesse gerne einfach eine Nachricht schicken
I am looking for committed group members for an ADP for the summer semester 24.
I was thinking of something at PTW, but I am also open to ADP's in other subject areas.
If you're interested just send me a message
I'm interested! Have you approached any department yet?
Same here mate! Theory part was more difficult than expected.
Hey everyone, we have 4 members in our group and looking for one more member for the data challenge of the MLA module. If you're interested in joining our team, kindly contact me with your name and how well do you have an understanding of ML and Python.
Best regards
Funktioniert der Link hier eigentlich noch? Ich kann irgendwie den Server nicht joinen
Same here
I would be interested too. I would create a Whatsapp group. If you are interested, please let us know via PM.
Did you create the group? If yes, kindly share the link here. Thanks
As far as I remember it was weird to me and I barely passed it even tho I had the feeling of getting a good understanding. The Question have been very specific in my Opinion. Certainly you really want to learn all calculation , even tho they have not been presented in Detail. To me it felt like a lot of very detailed Knowledge was asked which imho was really unnecessary (like how to decode colors), But overall the results where not bad, so I guess it was just me who prepared wrong.
Umm ok, so what do you suggest how should I prepare for the exam? Just concentrate on the exercises? Prepare the slides or any other source which I can use? And a bit more detail regarding the exam would be helpful.....any detail which you can possibly provide?
When and where?
Do you guys think it is going to be like 2020? Those calculations are simple but where never presented like this, or did I miss anything?
Hey, so how was the exam? I'll be giving the exam this winter semester and even I have the same doubt as yours.