What I can remember from the Exam, please add what you remember:
Short Questions:
Optimisation, similar to nibble Mix task
NPV Task with FV
Dimensional Analysis + some small Questions
Simple Probability task with P(O)
Big Tasks:
NN Task Forward and Learning Step (~10 Points)
Pertubation Task(~17 Points?) /Similar to the Spring vom the Exercise book
Robust Design Task
Overall fair Exam which was solvable with the Knowledge from exercises + exercise book, nothing extremely new. The wording in the NN-Task was not so clear for the last part where you needed to add 2 more nodes "prediction of Variable" imho because you could either predict them separately and use as an Input or get them as a output. To be clearer the wording should have been "to predict Variable".
I am usually fast at exams and I was around 5 minutes short. But I also stopped calculation Pertubation after sorting for e and stopped calculation for RD after calculating derivatives.